Personally, i dont think that drinking alot of water will make your urine test come clean. But, drinking alot of water can help get things out of your system faster. This can help because doing things (such as drinking, etc.) dehydrates you and by drinking water you will re-hydrate your body and make your system cleaner, faster.
It's not necessarily bad to drink lots of water before a urine test but it could make you have to reschedule your appointment. The more water you drink the more diluted your urine is going to be. If your urine is to diluted they will make you come back after a day or two.
what does water come out when you drink it
Drinking plenty of water can help dilute urine and potentially lower levels of THC metabolites. Some people also believe that certain foods and beverages like cranberry juice or lemon juice could help cleanse the system, but there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims. Ultimately, the best way to ensure a clean drug test is to stop smoking weed and allow time for it to naturally leave your system.
A diluted urine test may result from excessive fluid intake prior to the test, which can lower the concentration of substances in the urine. It is important to follow instructions provided for urine sample collection to ensure accurate test results.
To remove liquid soap from a tile floor, you can first soak up excess soap with paper towels or a clean cloth. Then, mix a solution of warm water and vinegar or dish soap and water, and use a mop or sponge to clean the area. Rinse the floor thoroughly with clean water and dry it with a towel to prevent streaking.
The water in your body and the water you drink
Yes, your urine comes out darker if you are not drinking enough water.
It's not necessarily bad to drink lots of water before a urine test but it could make you have to reschedule your appointment. The more water you drink the more diluted your urine is going to be. If your urine is to diluted they will make you come back after a day or two.
Water, fiber and red meat(beef). The water keeps you hydrated and makes the urine less concentrated, the fiber will direct the THC away from you bladder and towards the colon. The red meat is high in creatine which is normally in the urine. If you drink allot of water to rif your urine of tHC, there is lass creatine and doctors can tell its diluted. But, if you drink allot of water AND allot of red meat, you can dilute your urine and it will still have lots of creatine in it, so it seems normal. You need to do this for at least a week before the test, and you'll come up clean. The less fat you have, the less time it will take. Good luck
IF ANYONE ACCIDENTLY swallows human urine, they will not be "poisoned". When a healthy person urinates, it actually come out sterile. But seeing how urine is the "waste water" of the human body, I would not recommend that people drink urine, whether it is their own or someone elses.
In the morning when urine is a yellowish color, that signifies that the body has not consumed water during the night. If urine remains yellow throughout the day, that is a sign of dehydration.
(By it's color and the amount of the urine) using the fluids: Coke, lemon sport drink, coffee, regular water, orange juice, apple juice which one do you think will "come out" in the most amount of urine which one least in amount of urine and which one will come out the darkest in color which ones the lightest in colors and please explain why?
THC will normally come clean from your system within 40 days, but it really depends on the person. I would think so, before you go for the test, drink 1-2 16fl oz's of cranberry juice, and you will be solid.
A lot of people drink water heavily while they're waiting to go in and pee, and if you drink too much that can screw up the water content of the sample. Drink no more than 40 ounces, please.
Drink water at a steady pace for 3 hours. Do not drink too much at one time. Exercise at least one hour or more a few hours before the drug test. Make sure you are sweating. Keep drinking water. Pea at least once before the drug test to get all the remains that were left during exercise. Drink more water and go to your doctor/boss. If not monitor pea in the toilet at the beginning of the stream, then move to the cup, also dont finish your stream in the cup either. If you are on prole, then this method will not work for you as they will not allow clear urine on the test. But for anything else clear/murkey urine should do the job perfectly.
Drink hot water, and it will come off.
How come animals drink pond water and they don't get sick