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If you do not ovulate you will not have a period at all hun. Ovulation can delay your period if Ovulation was late.

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Q: If you don't ovulate will it make your period late?
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Yes, the only fairly safe are the first days on your period. A orgasm can make you ovulate again.

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Yes, it could do. Any illness can make your period late or not come at all

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No it doesn't make you late and its nothing to worry about!But if you are late on your period or have irregular bleeding its probably best to go and see your GP.

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You can not make something ovulate, it is a natural occurrence and there's nothing you can do about it.

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If your periods arent normal does that mean you cant get pregnant?

No, you can definitely get pregnant. I go 4 to 5 months without periods and I just found out I am pregnant. You can still ovulate even if you don't have a period. Good luck if you're trying to get pregnant.. if not, make sure you are still careful!!

Can a girl get pregnant if you make love right after her period?

Oh yes! After the period it's quite risky. Although you can get pregnant on pretty much all days since one orgasm can make you ovulate again.

Does not eating and exercise make your period start early?

No, if anything the opposite is true. You only menstruate if you ovulate, and you only ovulate if your body is physically healthy enough to cope with pregnancy - if a woman was to exercise too much or starve herself then the body will try to prevent pregnancy by preventing or delaying ovulation, thus they would either miss a period or experience a late period. Thus why girls who suffer from eating disorders like anorexia, or professional athletes, often loose their periods and can lose their ability to have children permanently.

If a girl does not usually have a normal cycle how late should her period be before it is likely that shes pregnant?

I have PCOS so I usually getmy period every 3 to 4 months. My Dr. put me on Provera tomake me get a period and then he put me on Chlomid to make me ovulate. He had me count my cycle days as if it's a normal 28 days and wants me to wait 2 weeks after my missed cycle to test.

Can herpes make your period late or not come?

No, herpes cannot make your period late. Menstruation is determined by your menstrual cycle, a cycle controlled by hormonal changes throughout your body between your brain and reproductive organs.

Can diet pills make your period early?

It makes it late.