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If you delete a purchased game, it will probably warn you saying that if you delete it then you will either have to plug up your iPod and go on Apps and get it back or repurchase it!

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Q: If you delete a purchased game on itunes can you get it back?
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If you delete a purchased game on itunes will you got the money back?

No or people could just dowload and play on games, and when they got bored of them they could just send them back.

Can you delete an itunes account?

No. you cant. as far as i know. But you can delete game center, mobile me, or icloud. hope this helps.

What happens if you delete a downloaded game on psp?

If you have accidently deleted a game you have purchased from PLAYSTATION online you can simply go back to store and check out your recent purchases/downloads and you can redownload it as long as its been purchased

ITunes how to retrieve deleted games for iPhone not sync with iTunes?

download it from the itunes store and it will notify you that you have already purchased the game and that you dont have to pay for it

If you delete a game that was purchased on xbox live can you reload it?

yes and it is free

How do you take a game off your Ipod Touch?

You can use itunes or delete it straight off the touch.

If you delete a game will you get your points back?


Do you get your money back if you delete a app you paid for?

No, you do not get your money back if you delete an app you paid for. Once you bought it, you cannot get your money back.

How do you delete game data on an iPad?

If you mean to delete an application on an iPad, you press the icon on the screen without releasing it for about 3 secs. and the application icons will start shaking in the screen. Click the ''x'' on the top right corner of the icon to delete. A confirmation will appear. Note that this deletes the whole game from your iPad. This is easiest way to delete the data, since it gets wiped with the game code. If you want to play the game still, you can just go back to the iTunes store and re-install it for free.

When you delete a game from your Ipod touch do you get your money back?

no you do not get your money back if you delet a game from your ipod

How do you delete a saved game off Hannah Montana Music Jam?

you have to delete the hole game its self and then get it back on your d.s but you also have to delete the saved data.

Will you get Nintendo DSi points back if you delete a game?
