no the game must be restarted to get them back or else thay are gone for good
just quit without saving and it should be back
There should be a back arrow!:)
To delete unwanted families in Sims 2, for PC, go to the unwanted families' neighborhood. Click on the family. A the bottomright hand corner of the Sim Bin there is a 'delete' button. While still having the family on your cursor click on this. The Sim family should now be deleted.
don't know i just asked that quiestion.
Go to - My Documents -Ea Games -The Sims 2 Delete the entire The Sims 2 folder. Then go to your game. The game will automatically create a new The Sims 2 folder. If you have custom content installed and don't want to delete it, before you delete The Sims 2 folder, move the Downloads folder to Desktop, delete The Sims 2 folder, go into your game, then exit out of it and move the Downloads folder back into The Sims 2 folder.
just quit without saving and it should be back
Go to the menu and underneath your family will be a little bin. Click on that and it will delete it:)
There should be a back arrow!:)
You cant delete a especific sim or sims. You have to delete the whole game. To delete a game you just have to save another game on top of that game. Use a cheat. ctrl shift c and type in moveObjects on with the capitals. and then you can pick up ur sims and delete them. Or if you just want to delete the whole family then click move sims on neghborhood and then sent them to the sim bin. =]
Don't think you can, sorry.
i think that you can either click the family and then press the trash can icon, or press the trash can icon and then click the family you want to delete.
To delete unwanted families in Sims 2, for PC, go to the unwanted families' neighborhood. Click on the family. A the bottomright hand corner of the Sim Bin there is a 'delete' button. While still having the family on your cursor click on this. The Sim family should now be deleted.
That happened to me, it means that they are stuck in a glitch, you cannot do anything, you must delete the family or go to the neighborhood, and don't save.
don't know i just asked that quiestion.
Go to - My Documents -Ea Games -The Sims 2 Delete the entire The Sims 2 folder. Then go to your game. The game will automatically create a new The Sims 2 folder. If you have custom content installed and don't want to delete it, before you delete The Sims 2 folder, move the Downloads folder to Desktop, delete The Sims 2 folder, go into your game, then exit out of it and move the Downloads folder back into The Sims 2 folder.
yes they do you just need to wait or you might have delete you sim
There is a way to delete sims on the Sims 3, but i don't know how to do that. What I do know is that if you leave the baby till it becomes really lonely, and then eventually a social worker will take it away. Then you can never have the child back. :)