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You are probably feeling your own heart pumping blood through your body, it is perfectly normal to feel and sometimes even see "your pulse" so to speak in your chest and abdomen. This is not a sign or sympton of pregnancy - when you are pregnant you can not feel your baby's heart beating

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Q: If you are twelve years old and you feel a heartbeat in the stomach?
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Why do i feel a heartbeat in my lower stomach?

The heartbeat you feel in your lower stomach is the abdominal aorta beating and it is perfectly normal.

Can you feel a heartbeat through your stomach?

You cannot feel a baby's heartbeat through your stomach, no. If you are feeling this, it is probably your pulse. You can feel this, particularly when lying down, because a main artery runs down the stomach. but when sitting down or standing why can my friend (male) feeel his belly move like a hert beat andwhen putting his hand his stomach why is it like he's thumping hard like heartbeat

How soon can you feel a baby's heartbeat by touching your stomach?

When it's fully developed

What does it mean when around your belly button hurts and you can feel your heartbeat in your tummy?

It's your pulse you're feeling when you feel your heart beat in your stomach

When pregnant can you feel the babys heartbeat in your stomach?

No, you would have to be a rare case of super-sensitive to be able to feel that. To date, I have never heard of a woman who can feel the baby's heartbeat. What you may be feeling is your own heartbeat as the blood flow to your uterus is increased. Or it may be just the baby kicking. Many babies also seem to get hiccups which can be a very regular beat, often at the same time each day.

What does it mean when you feel three heartbeats in your stomach but the doctors say you're not pregnant?

Some people can feel their own heartbeat or pulse from the artery in their abdomen by pressing their stomach, this could be the case.

Do you feel heartbeat?

What heartbeat :l

Is it normal to see a heartbeat in your stomach?

yes, this is normal. sometimes your heart beat is so strong or that your body is very still that you can feel the beat.

Who sang the song heartbeat you make me feel so weak?

Heartbeat. By Taana Gardner

When does you feel the heart beat of your baby?

You can never FEEL the heartbeat of the baby.

Is it a sign of pregnancy if you can feel your heartbeat close to your belly button?

I don't think so ... if I am not mistaken, there is an artery in your stomach area that will pulse when pressed on because it is linked to your heart. There are several other points on your body where your pulse can be felt.

Is it possible to feel you heartbeat in your butt cheek?

Yes it is !