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A die t of 900 calories is dangerous, especially if you only weigh 90 lbs. Eat a normal teenage diet and get off your butt, your cell phone, the couch and from out in front of the TV and go exercise. Start walking first, then jog as you get used to it, and then run. You'll learn to love it. Don't forget body pump or upper body weight exercise about three days a week. Chase your dog, play Red Rover, roller skate, jump on a trampoline. Do something.

Oh, and lay off the fried foods, they'll kill you. Don't eat anything that comes in a cellophane wrapper or bag - think about it.

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Q: If you are a 14 year old about 90 pound girl will a diet of 900 calories a day help you lose weight?
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Obviously, how many calories that are burned depends on many factors, but lets say you work out moderately and burn around 300 calories each 30 minute session. You would burn 2,100 calories that week and it takes 3,500 calories to burn a pound.. so a little under 1 pound a week. A combination of diet and exercise is the best way to go!

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15 or 35, all diets should be based on your height and weight to make sure you get the daily recommended calories.

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a teenage girl should take in 1,400 calories a day and 1,200 if on a diet!

How many calories should a 16 year old woman eat a day?

This depends on your height and weight, as well as age. An average 125-pound sixteen year old girl burns an average of 1,800 calories a day. If you weigh more, you burn more calories, and vice versa.

How many calories should a 156 pound girl eat per day?

That depends on her height and whether she needs to lose weight. For more information about weight in relation to height, and the number of calories needed per day, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

How much should your 11 year old daughter eat?

Diet depends on height, weight and activity. For an 11-year-old girl, around 2100 calories is a good average consumption.

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If you're 5 foot and weight that much, you should put on some more pounds.

What is the average weight of a 5'2 girl?

Between the pound of 118 and 129.

How can a 120 pound girl lose weight?

Exercise and eat right