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That's what mine is right now,..I'm 5 weeks today! :) ,.It's normal but i was reading it may indicate twins? :)

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Q: If you are 5 weeks pregnant is 11000 HCG level high?
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i have a blood glucose level of 116 is that high ?

i have a blood glucose level of 116 is that high

is a blood sugar level of 130 considered high?

is a blood sugar level of 130 considered high

What does a high MO level mean?

MO is an acronym for 'method of operation' or, alternatively, 'motivation'. A high MO basically refers to having a high motivational level.

What does it mean if your blood alcohol level is 167?

A BAC of .167 is twice as high as a maximum legal .08 and three times as high as a maximum legal level of .05. In short, it is very high.

is a blood sugar level of 115 considered high?

is 115 very high What is the average for blood sugar in a 80 yr old man “is a blood sugar level of 115 considered high?” is a blood sugar level of 115 considered high In my opinion a glucose level of 115 is "normal," that means within the accuracy of the glucose measurement, and within an acceptable range for good glucose control. A glucose level under 125 will do negligible damage to the small blood vesels in the retna and the feet. Is a blood sugar level of 243 high? 130was boderline for me as my dr.said No I don't believe that it is too high Depends on time of day and when what is considered a normal blood sugar level? is normal Is a blood sugar level of 120 considered high? Its 3:30 am My A1C test is 6.1 is that normal yes!ofcourse 115 is a normal sugar level what is considered as low sugar 115 is good for me, when my blood sugar drops to 84 or lower I become very weak and I feel better when my blood sugar is around 115

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Yes, if you are ovulating and getting your regular periods. but for me, my dhea level is high and i have stopped ovulating, so i can not get pregnant. i have an appointment with the endocrinologist monday. hope i can get this issue taken care of.

What should your cervix feel like at 5 weeks pregnant?

Well I'm 5 weeks pregnant and my cervix is extremely high, medium hard, and closed completely. I hope this helped you a little!

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How often do you see the doctor when you are 20 weeks pregnant?

At about 20 weeks of gestation, a doctor will see a pregnant women about once or twice a month. If she is a high risk mother, he may decide to see her more frequently.

What are the symptoms when one is 29 weeks pregnant?

The symptoms when one is 29 weeks pregnant include itchy skin due to the stretching caused by the growth and swelling around the legs and feet. High blood pressure is also possible.

You are 38 weeks pregnant and feel dizzy with a bit of a headache what does this mean?

Either high blood pressure or preeclampsia

Is 15 high for a wbc?

if it is 15,000/cumm then t is high because normal range is 4000-11000/cumm.

What does a high level of alphafoetoprotein test indicate?

High level of Alphafetoproteins (AFT) in the blood of pregnant women can indicate congenital problems in the newborn. It is not diagnostic but warrants further test. Otherwise, in men, non-pregnant women and children can indicate a form of cancer.