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No, you can't finish MY pills. It depends on why your period has come early. If you missed several pills and that's why you've started, generally it's advised to toss the rest of that pack and start your next pack on your next "start" day. (So if you usually start taking pills on a Sunday, just toss this pack and start your next pack on Sunday) If you're just experiencing "breakthrough" bleeding, keep taking the pills as usual. If you haven't been taking this type of pill for long it could be that your body just isn't used to the hormones you're putting in your body, so it's bleeding like it usually would have. Within a couple of months this usually stops happening. Hope I helped you.

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Q: If my period is early should i finish your pills?
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Are you safe during your 7 no pill days?

Technically, those seven hormone free pills are the days you are supposed to be on your period. You skip those, you skip the period. If you finish your period early, yes, you are still safe to have even though you aren't taking an active pill. FYI, all these questions should be in the information packet that was included with the pills.

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Technically, those seven hormone free pills are the days you are supposed to be on your period. You skip those, you skip the period. If you finish your period early, yes, you are still safe to have even though you aren't taking an active pill. FYI, all these questions should be in the information packet that was included with the pills.

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hi. My sugar pills start on a Wednesday and I usually get my period that Friday. Then it continues until Tuesday the next week.

Will your period be late if you do not take the green pills?

In some birth control brands, the green pills are active pills and should not be skipped. In other brands, the green pills are placebos (sugar pills or reminder pills) and can be skipped. Talk to your pharmacist or health care provider to get information specific to your brand of birth control pills. If you skip active pills, your period will be early and you increase the risk of pregnancy. If you skip placebo pills, your period will be delayed.

How do you start your first pack of birth control pills ever?

There should be instructions in your pill packet. Or your doctor should have told you when they prescribed them to you.You should start your pack the first Sunday after you start your period even if your period is not over yet. Do not skip any pills and start a new pack as soon as you finish your 7 inactive pills at the end of your pack.

When should you start your birth control pills the first Sunday after you start your period or the first Sunday after you finish?

Check the package for specific information, but generally the pill should be started on the first Sunday after you START your period.

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It makes it late.

If you get your period early on in the cycle should you skip right to the sugar pills?

Hi, No never skip to sugar pills when this happens or it will throw your cycle off completely. Continue to take the pills as prescribed. So take the active pills and then the sugar pills when it is time.

When should you take your next pill if you get your period early while taking pills?

You should continue taking the pill as scheduled regardless of any bleeding.

Should you start a new pack of birth control after skipping a couple pills and starting your period early?

If you missed three or more pills you may want to start a new packet.

If your period comes and you are not finished with a pill cycle should you finish the pill pack as usual?

Yes, continue taking your pills as scheduled regardless of any bleeding.