Wherever u feel comfortable with it. But i would say the small of your back!
A licensed tattoo studio.
The permanent tattoo will stay on your body for good. While non permanent tattoo willdisapear after a while.
A most suitable place to have a frangipani tattoo is could on your back because it has less interference.
A green dragon tattoo may symbolize various things. In most cases, this is used as a symbol of a guardian which might be good or evil.
I am someone with more then a couple, Evil and normal looking jesters. I just like them, But like the answer to the "What does a jest tattoo mean?" Tattoo's mean something different for each person who has the tattoo, Each of mine stand for different places and events throughout my life, I guess to help me remember the good and bad times.....
Possibly a local tattoo shop.
I think that you should get a tattoo where it means the most to you. You can still have a visible tattoo and cover it when you need to. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6ZfPz98Jv0
Body jewelry can be bought at any local jewelry store in the mall, or at tattoo and piercing shops. Online, a website, www.monstersteel.com, sells body jewelry and tattoo supplies at wholesale prices.
Several tattoo designs represent protection. A lion is for strength courage and protection. There are religious and tribal tattoos that represent protection as well. The tattoo for protection depends on ones beliefs.
Your local tattoo shop should have a portfolio. You can look through many tattoo shops and see if the artists know how to do dragon tattoos. Once you like one head over there!
nowhere. last name tattoos are overdone and are not very good.