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The Obese person because people who are obese sweat more than thin people. So the obese person will burn more calories.

Fat doesnt burn calories, therefore it doesnt matter if you are obesse or slim, the amount of calories you burn isn't influenced by the amount of excess fat you have. What matters is the amount of muscle MASS a person has, muscle tissue takes more calories to maintain, so the person with the higher muscle MASS will be burning the more calories..

But metabolism also plays a role (the SPEED at which you burn calories) and is influenced by Aerobic Fitness and Genetics to a certain extent to, these two factors especially will decide which one will burn the more calories, when two people are working at the same rate.

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Q: If a thin person and a obese person are working at the same rate who will burn more calories?
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Any exercise would work, I personally enjoy running. But, there is a way to burn 500 calories without working out at all.

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