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Well i think he would lyk u more, but that's me. if a i put my hand on a girls leg that would be a sign i lyk them alot. aka more then a friend. -.-

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Q: If a guy places his hand on your leg and leaves it there for quite some time does that mean he likes you more than just a friend?
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What is most formal of the three options below?

Quite displeased and upset

Can a ten year old girl cum by sticking somthing in her vagina?

Yes, it is quite possible, but you shouldn't even be askin those kinda questions! That's just wrong!

What does it mean if You like a guy but hes confident around everyone but you?

If he's confident around other people, like his friends, but he acts shy or a little unsure of himself when he's around you it means he really likes you. I'm a guy and no matter what you may have heard guys are scared to death of girls because we're never quite sure what to say or how we're supposed to act when we are around you. It gets easier when we get older but when we're in school it's tough. It sounds like your guy really has a thing for you and you make him nervous. Guys have a hard time expressing their feelings because we always want to 'look cool.' Give him some time and a little space but don't let up on him too much. Boys like to be chased too. If you feel comfortable, try asking him out. He may loosen up a little if he knows you like him too.

How does the dependent variable change as the independent variable changes in a linear relationship?

well, the dependent variable doesn't change the independent...but i am doing he home wrk that has the EXACT question in it ( it is 1/21/10)i am quite cunfuzzled and need help!

Can you determine whether the inverse of a function is a function by using vertical line test?

Not quite. You can use a vertical line test on the graph of the inverse mapping, OR you can use a horizontal line test on the original graph. The horizontal line test is used in the same way.

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she LIKES YOU or she likes you as a friend. or she was talking about you

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He would say no if he was shy but if he has admitted it that he likes he would say yes

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One of my good friends told me that he liked me and it made our friendship quite awkward after that.

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Beleve or not i only have one guy friend but he likes to make flirty eyes!

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It's quite likely he's interested in you. Either as a friend (if he's known you a long time) or as a boyfriend.

If your best friend likes the same girl you do how do you decide who should go out with her?

well neither of you should. If someone does get to be with her then the other will have resentment towards the other and quite possibly ruin your friendship. ask her which one she likes more.

Will a guy who knows you like him from your friend and likes you back sometimes feel awkward and uncomfortable around you?

sometimes, either he's not quite sure how to act around girls or he's just shy around girls he likes .

You are 15 years old and this girls mum has told you that her 15 year old daughter talks about you quite a lot at home what does this mean does it mean she likes me or what?

it does not nececarly mean that she likes you. You could just be an awsome guy and she likes you as a friend. But if you like her as well you should ask her.

When a guy tells a girl he more than likes her What is he trying to tell her?

When a guy tells a girl he more than likes her, he is telling her that he likes her as more than a friend. If he loved her then he would use the word love so he isn't quite there yet but may be heading in that direction.

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Yes, toatally :] Penguin adds: i think it would be quite weird if your friend grew balls :3 but yes ask him out and if he say no kick him in his balls (:

How do you know when a close gay friend likes you as more than a friend?

Well, i think that this is quite obvious, however i shall most cases your friend will be a little physical with you but it may fly right over your head... here's a little guide that will helps you to know if you friend likes you: Glare ~your friend is always staring at you... Ask ~your friend denies the "are you gay question" Yes ~your friend always says yes to any favors you ask of them, no matter what... I hope this helps and if this proves to be true, relax talk with your friend about it and eventually it will pass over, and if it doesn't make it clear that you are straight, in a respectful way of course...