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If you catch him looking away all of a sudden or acts fidgety or nervous when yyou try to start a conversation than he probably likes you.

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6d ago

It's possible that those behaviors could indicate interest, but it's not definitive. Other factors and his overall behavior towards you should also be considered before drawing conclusions. If you're interested in him, you could try initiating a conversation or observing how he responds to gauge his interest more accurately.

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Q: If a guy acts fidgety and glances at you in a subtle way are those signs he likes you?
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How do you know if a girl likes you if she doesn't act like it?

It can be challenging to know for sure if someone likes you if they don't show it directly. Look for subtle signs like prolonged eye contact, finding excuses to be near you, or initiating conversation. However, the best way to know for sure is to communicate openly and directly with her about your feelings.

How do you tell if a girl that doesn't show any emotions likes you?

Look for subtle signs like prolonged eye contact, finding excuses to be near you, mirroring your actions, or seeming nervous or shy around you. However, it's important to communicate openly and directly with her to understand her feelings instead of making assumptions based on her lack of emotions.

How do you know when an emo guy likes you?

An emo guy may show he likes you by being attentive and seeking out conversation with you, by sharing personal thoughts and feelings with you, and by making an effort to spend time together. Pay attention to how he treats you compared to others and look for subtle signs of affection or interest in your presence.

What are the signs that someone likes you?

Signs that someone likes you may include frequent smiling, maintaining eye contact, seeking opportunities to spend time with you, and showing interest in your life and activities. They may also express their feelings through compliments, gestures of kindness, or physical touch.

How do you tell if a boy in your class likes you?

Some signs a boy in your class likes you could be if he tries to spend time with you, makes an effort to talk to you, or shows interest in your hobbies or activities. However, the best way to know for sure is to directly ask him or engage in conversation to see if he displays signs of romantic interest.

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How do you no if a guy likes you as a friend or as a girlfriend?

Ask him or throw out subtle signs and see how he reacts.

What are some subtle signs to show that a guy likes you?

He compliments you, gets protective of you and maybe even sends you little gifts.

If a guy is shy what are the signs that he likes you?

A shy guy will normally stare at you and if you talk to him, he'd won't look at you while he's talking and his answers are probably going to be from 1-4 words. He will also be all fidgety around you.

Would a guy show it when he likes a girl?

maybe he might show signs like helping you alot or acting wierd around you but he probably won't come right out and say it. Would a guy show it when he likes a girl A guy would show that he likes a girl by using different signs. 1: They will repeatedly talk to the one he likes. 2: Get as near as possible to the girl. 3: Rapidly take glances at her. 4: Might defend her in arguments or fights. 5: Ask if she has a boyfriend or not, see what she likes and gives it to her, and/or be mysterious near or to her.

Hey boys i need your help what are some signs that tell a girl when a guy likes them?

if the guy teases u but lets u tease back if he textes u alot if he glances at u lots if he helps u wit ur stuff

What is the sign if a guy likes you?

Good indicators are that he seeks eye contact, and communication. Other signs might be he inquires if you are in a committed relationship, or shows up where he thinks you will be, or asked friends if you might be interested in him. He may make a point to catch your eye and smile. The good signs are subtle.

What are some signs that will tell you if a girl likes you?

She laughs when you're trying to be funny. She makes eye contact with you and smiles. She casually touches your arm, or plays with your hair. She lights up when she sees you. She finds a way to get ahold of you when you're not together. Simple and subtle things like that generally means she likes you.

How do you tell if boy likes you?

I am a boy and when i like a girl i tend to stare at her a lot and turn my eyes away when she glances at me. When she compliment me i usually feel awkward and dont know what to say and when were talking i try to ne cheerful and nice and make her laugh so just look out for those signs

Signs that a girl is flirting?

-giggling -reaching for your hands -big, Corny smiles. -stupid jokes -lip biting/licking -weird eye glances

How can you give a girl signs you like her?

Smile , talk to her are more subtle ways but girls notice :)

How do you know a pothead likes you?

Just all of the normal signs that someone likes you!

What are the signs that a girl friend likes you?

She looks at you in a special way and likes to touch you.