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He compliments you, gets protective of you and maybe even sends you little gifts.

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Q: What are some subtle signs to show that a guy likes you?
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Some signs that a boy may be trying to ask you out include frequent compliments, attempts to spend time with you one-on-one, or subtle flirting. He may also show interest in your interests and try to make you laugh. Pay attention to his body language and tone of voice for clues.

How do you ask if someone likes you without showing you like them?

Show some signs that's really romantic

What are some signs a guy likes you back?


What are some signs that will tell you if a girl likes you?

She laughs when you're trying to be funny. She makes eye contact with you and smiles. She casually touches your arm, or plays with your hair. She lights up when she sees you. She finds a way to get ahold of you when you're not together. Simple and subtle things like that generally means she likes you.

What are some signs that a boy likes you but does not let you know?

He teases you.

What are some signs that show you if a guy really likes you after admitting it?

if he starts maybe staring at you and smiling, or constantly looking at you and turning around, or possibly even asks you to hang out or go do something, signs point to YES!

How to know if a guy likes u my crush shows signs he does like me but I have asked him out and he still hasn't asked what's the deal?

Reading into if a guy likes you can be tough. However, some of the top signs that a guy likes you are: he reaches out to you, he makes an effort to spend a lot of time with you, and he is taking an interest in your likes. If you've asked him out and he has not responded to your request to go out, it could be that he is not interested in you, or maybe you're just too aggressive. Allow him to show you more signs before jumping out there.

What are some signs that he likes you a lot but is just hiding the truth?

flirts with you .

I don't know if this girl likes me - She is in a band and invited me to a concert but she invited 5 other people - What are some signs I might get that says she likes me?

If she really likes you she will always look at you and give you secret smiles. But you have to show her that you like her back other wise she will feel stupid.

What are some signs your crush likes you?

Flirting, blushing, touching you more often

What are some signs that show that the guy friend you like likes you back?

well you can mostly tell by what he does around you and what he wants to do with you like hang out after school it just all depends on the guy mostly

What are some signs to tell he is interested?

Some signs are that if a boy talks to you alot and wants to spend all his time with you, he likes you. Try asking him over text if he likes anyone. Another way is if he looks at you and he likes you, his pupels in his eyes will get bigger. He would also make any ecuse to be with you.