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You'll probably be able to tell by how you feel.

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Q: I think I had a miscarriage how do I know with out going to the doctor?
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How do you know if still have tissues inside after miscarriage?

You have to see a doctor after a miscarriage and he will know.

Is it possible to have a miscarriage before you knew you were pregnant and could a doctor tell by doing a check-up?

Yes, it is possible to have a miscarriage before you know you're pregnant. It happens a lot more than, I think, people know about. I think a doctor can do an exam to tell if you've had a miscarriage or not, but it probably has to be soon after. Call a doctor right away if you want to know. you could definatly have a misscarage before you know you are pregnant because some times you do have what you think are periods so you don't notice changes in your body. some people go full term with out knowing there are pregnant. but i don't think it is possible for a doctor to check if you have had a misscarge once the misscarage is complete.

I didn't know I was pregnant but I think I've had a miscarriage. How can I find out for sure?

Make an appointment with your OB/GYN doctor right away.

I think im pregnant but when i used the bathroom there was something in it It was small and im only a month I havent bled or anything Can it be a miscarriage?

It is possible that it could be a miscarriage. The only way to know is to visit a doctor.

How do you know if you have had a miscarriage on the 10th day after conception?

you may have what you think is a bad period and it could be a early miscarriage or a chemical pregnancy. You should go to a doctor to make sure, they can see if you have the pregnancy hormone in your blood or if you have any evidence of a miscarriage through an exam.

How do you know if there's parts left after an early miscarriage?

If you suspect a miscarriage you have to see the doctor and he will examine you. If there is something left you will get infections.

Is there a law against lying about a miscarriage?

No there isn't but it's important the doctor know these things.

How does a doctor know you had a miscarriage if you did not even know you were pregnant?

Because of the levels of a certain hormone in your body and the way the lining of your uterus is. There are lots of ways for a doctor to know if you had a miscarriage. He can give you a blood test right afterward that will test your levels of HCG in the blood. If it is more than two, then you were pregnant.

How do you know if you've passed everyth ing in miscarriage?

You always have to go see the doctor after a real or potential miscarriage. They will give you a D&C if not everything have passed.

Don't know if I'm pregnant but having symptoms of miscarriage i know i possibally could be pregnant?

i suggest you go to the doctor.

How can anyone get a miscarriage and how do you know you is coming?

A natural miscarriage usually occurs in the first trimester because the embryo is not viable. Sometimes you bleed and sometimes nothing happens and you wont know until the checkup at the doctor.

I didn't know i was pregnant but from what I've read on the nhs websites i think I've had a miscarriage do you have to see your doctor?

Yes, if you did have one they should check so everything is out so you don't get infections.