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You can still get a belly button piercing despite what people think about it.

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Q: I really really want to get a belly button piercing but ppl keep telling me I'm too white. I have really fair skin and freckles should I still get one or would it look bad?
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Does putting honey and wheat germ really get rid of freckles?

No it does not. There is no way to get rid of freckles.

Why would a person without red hair have freckles?

I have brown hair and I have freckles. It is in your skin and the sun brings out freckles. It doesn't really have anything to do with your hair colour.

How can I close my belly button piercing fast?

No way to speed that up really. Keep it dry and disinfected and out of the sun until it's healed.

Are freckles attractive?

MMMM.... Everyone has freckles. No one can help having them. Whats so wrong about freckles? If you have them you should be proud of them. Just say you have some freckles and a bigger ugly one. Who cares!!!! freckles are cute and it dosent really matter about your apperance anyway. So in my book freckles r attractive

Can a girl with freckles dye her hair black?

Yes, but it will make you look really pale. Try a nice red with freckles. I have freckles and red works well with my skin tones.

Basically i really want my hips done as a surface piercing people have been telling me that theres no point as they just grow out help?

There really isn't a point to them unless you're getting them for a photo shoot or something of that nature. Your hips are constantly moving and that provides for a bad piercing site. They will reject pretty quickly.

How do you take of a piercing?

Every piercing has a different aftercare routine so it really depends on the piercing.

Can you were a dangly belly button piercing as a starter?

You can but its a terrible idea. It'll get hit all of the time and get snagged. Which will REALLY hurt with a new piercing. My advice is to get a simble barbell to heal with. It'll be easier to heal and the faster it heals, the sooner you can wear dangles.

How long does a belly button piercing supposed to hurt?

It is different for everyone, for me it was really sore for the first day, then for about a week after it was painful to bend down. After that it was fine unless I knocked it.

How long does it take for a piercing to close up?

It really depends on the type of piercing and long you've had the piercing.

What is a surface venom piercing really called?

It is otherwise known as a horizontal piercing.

Which hurts more ear piercings or belly button?

It really depends on where your getting the ear piercing. Tragus, industrial or uncommon ear piercings hurt more then the belly button. If were talking normal lobe piercings, belly hurts more :)