No way to speed that up really. Keep it dry and disinfected and out of the sun until it's healed.
No your belly button heals really fast and it will close. u can take it out but ur going to have to jam the ring back in and it will hurt. why would u want to take it out anyways?
not too bad! it is a weird feeling but it is over fast.
It depends on how fast your body heals, and how long you have had the piercing. The longer you have had the piercing, the longer it will take to close. This is true for all piercings.
Honestly, I have had my labret piercing for about 7 months now and I took it out for about 4 hours for a class. At the end when I tried to put the piercing back in it hurt. The hole were the piercing was seemed to have tightened up. It took a few hours for my piercing to feel like it usually does. So I would guess that a labret piercing would close up kinda fast
Stick your finger in your belly button and smell it and think really hard.
In minutes, maybe a few hours.
It'll probably close up in less than an hour.
honestly, it doesnt hurt that bad. i was 13 when i got it done and i have a pretty low pain tolerance. its just that feeling almost like a needle. and then a little tug to get it through if you have tough skin like i did. and then its done. it goes super fast.
Of course you can't. It'll close super fast.
you may NEVER take it out
Healing rate vary from person to person, removing the jewellery will allow the piercing to close if it's fairly new (under a year old). How fast solely depends on your state of health and you leaving the jewellery out.