Click the forgot password option, and you will receive an email telling you how to recover it.
Facebook released in October 2011 new feature "Trusted Friends": one can select from three to five friends who will help him to recover his account.
Read more in the article below.
Contact Facebook - you will be expected to answer your 'security questions' before they'll reset your account.
Answer:to change your Facebook PASSWORD .....first login your facebook account..Then follow these steps:account[from the top menubar]-->account settings-->password-->change
You would request a password reset.
To recover Facebook password, you need knowledge of computer or contact a professional to help you. I could not recover my password when it was blocked but edwinforex57@gmailcom was the person who helped me to get my Facebook back.
if you registerred your email/phone to it you can recover the password by clicking the "forgot password" option and following those steps :D
Contact Facebook - you will be expected to answer your 'security questions' before they'll reset your account.
how do i retreive my password?
Can't remember my facebook password
can u send me a new password now for facebook
Anyone can have a facebook account. All you need is an email and a password you can remember.
I have a new phone, i changed my password, and i still cant open my facebook
then you should just change your password that's what i did
Yes. If you tell your browser to remember a password, it creates a small cookie on your computer which contains the password.
Well the best thing to do then if you cant remember ur password just dont sign out if u cant remember but if u dont just select i cant remember password and thell send u an email that will let u reset it or give u the password
i suggest clicking the forgot password button typing in your email and getting the pass sent to you
Answer 1You created it, you should remember it.Answer 2If you have forgotten your password, click "Forgot Password" on the login screen. A confirmation and password reset instructions will be sent to the email address you registered for Facebook with.
You cant. i remember playing that game but rly u cant change it