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Q: I have don “ it “ before and missed my period three whole months. Erm am I pregnant at the age 12?
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Related questions

Could you become pregnant the day after missed period?

If you have missed your period and are pregnant, you most likely got pregnant around 14 days before your missed period.

Missed period for almost 2 months now have light spotting for 2 weeks?

If you have missed your period for two months you may be pregnant. Take a pregnancy test to be sure. If you are not pregnant, stress may be the cause of your missed cycle.

Could you be pregnant if you missed your period two months in a row and had your tubes cut and tied?

yes because you could have gotten pregnant before your Tubaligation. It depends when you had your Tubaligation

What are some symptoms of being pregnant before a missed period?

Some symptoms of being pregnant before a missed period are nausea and dizziness. You may also have some breast tenderness.

Is cramping normal before missed period during pregnancy?

If your pregnant, cramping is usual. But if you're not and you missed your period that usually means your pregnant now with a bundle of joy.

How many months have to pass by until the doctor tells you your pregnant?

After 8 to 10 days of your missed period. You have enough time to decide about to terminate or continue the pregnancy. It does not take months after missed period.

Can you get parnat if no period?

You Can be Pregnant If You Have Missed Your Period But Sometimes it Just Skips And It Is Best To Just Get A Test And Check after 3 months

How can you tell you're pregnant before your missed period?

By taking a pregnancy test.

You missed almost two months of your period can it be that im pregnant or that you have an STD?

If you have missed your period for two months, you are probably pregnant. You could take a home pregnancy test, but you should see a doctor and if you think you could have an STD, you should see a doctor immediately anyhow.

I was on the depo for 3 months and still had my period. I missed an injection and my period hasn't come. what does that mean?

You could be pregnant. Take a test.

How long does it take for you to know tour pregnant?

A person can now find out if they are pregnant before even a period is missed.

Is it possible to have tender breasts and frequent urination before a missed period if you are pregnant?

Yes maybe a few days before your missed period as the egg may have already implanted into the womb.