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O.K. you might just be a late starter. If I were you I'd ask your mom when she started hers and she might have started around 19. If not you should go see a doctor and tell them whats wrong, they should be able to help you more than the internet could. :)

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Q: I'm 19 and haven't had a period?
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Havent had period in two months worried im 16 sure havent had sex.?

Periods come and go, I wouldn't worry to much :)

I havent started my period and im 2 days late but im having cramps like im about to start?

That's a statement, not a question. What are you asking?

Your 26 havent had a period in40 days and im not pregnant help?

take a hot shower or bath

You havent came on your period for over a week and you did a pregnancy test yesterday but im not pregnant so why havent you came on?

Stress, change of life styles, it could be a many of things.

If you were 14 and you have not started your period should you be worry?

nope, i have but i know theres people in my year who havent, im nearly 14

I am not on my period but im bleeding out brown as if i am on my period why is that?

Hi sweetie dont worry this will happen as it has happened to me , it nomaly turns a brownish colour near the end of your period but if you havent had your period i advise you to see a doctor or ask a female relative about it ! xxx

If you havent gotten your period in over 6 months and im constipated all the time What is going on?

your hormones may be changing....How old are you? Has it happend before

Im 9 i havent had a period yet is that kk?

Certainly, 9 is very early to start. Most girls in the US start around 12.

Missed period next period is due but i still havent ejaculated on im not pregnant want my period to come as im having fertility treatment and can only start when i ejacualte how can i bring on period?

there is no way you can make your period come but if you are on any medication maybe you should consult your doctor on whether you should stop and if you dont have good fertility it might have something to do with it

Hi im kiersten im 12 and i havent had my period yet and i have bumps and veins around my nippels and im really getting fat how do i know im pregnant?

you should get a pregnancy test to make sure and if it says that you are go to a family clinic or your pediatrition to know for sure

How old were you when you had your period?

I was 13. However, the average is about 10-15. Most likeley above 12. i was like around 12 ish. now im 14 and it sucks. gurls, dont be anxious to get ur period. gummibear22: im 13 and i still havent gotten it but its because im very athletic and its hard to get it with being so skinny but if you not that athletic then you can get it early but dont worry if you havent gotten it yet and you 13-15 because my aunt didnt get hers til she was 16!

Im 4 days into your 7 day break and havent had a period?

That is perfectly normal. I have been on birth control pills for two years and my period never starts until the very end of my inactive pill "break."