Being sensible is when you have a lot of common sense and is very well-mannered, however, being sensitive is when you are vulnerable to something or someone.
Describe is what it is and explain is why it is as it is
explain discuss
please explain
Quite simply explain that nouns are the words for people, places or things. From there, if your child is ready for more information, you can explain the difference between common, collective, proper and abstract nouns.
When you explain, you don't just write information - you also need to give reasons. In very basic terms you can think of the difference between informing and explaining.
Explain the difference between the vassals and the serfs
Explain the difference between young and mature mountains?
Describe is what it is and explain is why it is as it is
Describe is what it is and explain is why it is as it is
explain the difference between cash and credit transaction
Explain the difference between share of customer and customer equity
explain the difference between systems and sub systems
explain the difference between the two types of feeding?
explain the difference between batch processing and real-time processing
explain the difference between binocular and panoramic vision
explain the difference between total utility and marginal utility
The difference between a DDS and...what? A fugging cheese sandwich?