They were treated as the crew of any merchant ship of the time. It is likely, depending on the captain, that they were not treated well.
Slave traders treated the slaves disrespectfully mainly because they thought of the slaves as nothing but money.
From slave traders in central Africa
how did slave traders acution off slave
From slave traders in central Africa.
From slave traders in central Africa.
There were black slave traders involved in the transatlantic slave trade, including African tribal leaders who captured people from rival groups and sold them to European slave traders. However, the bulk of the slave trade was conducted by European and American traders.
From slave traders in central Africa.
The slaves were purchased at auctions, from another slave owner, or in some cases, they were inherited. The buyers checked to make sure the slave was healthy and without any defects physical. Slave traders brought the slaves over in large boats from Africa.
From slave traders in central Africa.
No because the slave traders were heavily armed they were not .
the slave traders captured them in war
They were purchased by African Slave Traders