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Because, they were property to their slave masters, and the slave masters could do anything that they wanted to the slaves in order for the slaves to keep their lives.

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Q: How were the slaves humiliated?
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How do you use humiliated on a sentence?

Humiliated means totally embarrassed. Here are some sentences.He was humiliated when his friends found out he'd been talking about them behind their backs.She felt humiliated when her dress split at the party.The bully taunted and humiliated his victims.

Use the word humiliated in a sentence?

She felt humiliated when her mistake was pointed out in front of the whole team.

What is the verb form of humiliation?

The verb form of humiliation is humiliate.Other verbs are humiliates, humiliating and humiliated."I will humiliate him"."He is humiliating her"."I am absolutely humiliated".

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Bullying is a humiliating experience. Because I didn't prepare, my speech in front of the class felt humiliating.

What is the noun form of humiliated?

The noun forms for the verb to humiliate are humiliator, humiliation, and the gerund, humiliating.

What part of speech is the word humiliated?

Past tense humiliate is present tense therefore, humiliated is past

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The farmer was humiliated when all his crops withered. One day, I was strolling along the street of my humble town, and I was humiliated when some people pointed and laughed at my pet dog, who was wearing a hotdog suit. I was playing poker one day, but was humiliated when I lost three rounds in a row. I humiliated all others who dare answer this question with my obvious judo grip on the English language.

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