Agricultural workers- farm hands to plant, till and harvest crops.
worked on plantations
large plantations
Most were captured by other black tribes and then sold to foreign traders.
most people became enslaved in African societies either through being captured during tribal warfare or , more often than people realise today, by being sold by their tribal cheifs to Arab or European slave traders for monetary profit.
field hands!(:
field hands :D
worked on plantations
worked on plantations
Most people were employed in Pennsylvania in 2012.
large plantations
most of them lived in or on plantations
They were employed at the empire's castle.
Most slavery in the South was based on the plantation system, where enslaved people were forced to work long hours in harsh conditions cultivating crops like cotton, tobacco, and sugar cane. Slavery was widespread and deeply entrenched in Southern society, with enslaved people considered property and denied basic human rights, leading to generational exploitation and abuse.
large plantations
Most enslaved people had to make the beginning portion (the most difficult part) of their journey on their own. There are instances of people going into the south to guide enslaved people north, but that was not the usual case for most people who escaped.