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Q: What did most enslaved people on plantations work as?
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What kind of work did enslaved people do on the plantations?

Enslaved people on plantations were forced to work long hours in harsh conditions, performing various tasks such as planting, cultivating, and harvesting crops like cotton, tobacco, and sugar. They also often worked in domestic roles as cooks, caretakers, and laborers. Additionally, enslaved individuals were commonly subjected to physical and emotional abuse while laboring on plantations.

Where did many enslaved people work?

Many enslaved people were forced to work on plantations, primarily in industries such as agriculture (cotton, tobacco, rice, sugar cane) and domestic labor. Some also worked in industries such as mining, construction, and manufacturing.

Where do enslaved Africans work in the southern colonies?


Who was used for labor on the plantations in America?

Blacks were enslaved and forced to work on the plantations for little or no money.

How did the plantation system contribute to the use of enslaved people?

Many slaves in the South were put to work on plantations before and during the Civil War. Many of these plantations were used to grow tobacco.

Who worked on southern plantations?

The field work on Southern plantations was done almost exclusively by slaves. These plantations often consisted of cotton, rice, indigo, and tobacco and were very labor intensive.

Where in New York did most enslaved people live and work?

People work as slave by do work as a white person.

What group of people were doing the most work on the southern plantations?


How did the economy of the Southern Colonies depend on enslaved Africans?

All work on and concerning the plantations depended on slave labors.

Where did enslaved people work?

mostly in the south in cotton fields, plantations, and as servants in houses. they took care of livestock, chopped wood, carried water, cooked, and much more

Who provided labor for southern rice fields?

enslaved Africans that were brought to America and forced to work on plantations

Two ways that Spain supplied workers to make the sugar plantations profitable?

Under the encomienda system, conquistadors enslaved Native Americans to work on plantations. Spanish settlers imported African slaves to work as field hands.