Most of the time 3 days after intercourse you should receive an accurate reading. Always consult a doctor to be sure though. 15 minutes MAX when you ovolate and have sex the same day will you become pregnant
10 days for blood test and 14 days for Home pregnancy test. Well it could vary but this is the most likely when pregnancy can be detected. After you missed your period the home pregnancy SHOULD work if you were pregnant. Good luck.
a home pregnancy test wont always work for the first few days of pregnancy. if youre trying it soon after you mightve gotten pregnant, try waiting a week or two
after you have your first 'normal' period.
No, a human home pregnancy test will not reliably work on a mare. The horse test and human test look for species specific hormones.
No, methamphetamine will not affect the accuracy of an at-home pregnancy test. These tests work by detecting the presence of the hormone hCG in urine, which is only produced during pregnancy.
No - they look for different chemicals
No....u need to wait at least 19 days to do a home pregnancy test or at least until your missed period
Nope. They only work once.
About two weeks after conception usually will show on most home tests. Most home pregnancy kits work as soon as your first missed period, some claim to work three or five days before your expected period.
NO! A hpt can only be used once.
If your period is more than 2 weeks late, yes an HCG blood test will certainly be able to detect the pregnancy hormone. Home pregnancy tests will work as well.
It will depend on when you ovulated. Home pregnancy tests work best when used 14 to 16 days after ovulation.