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After 2/3 months sometimes a lot earlier and some women dont experience tender breasts till their breast feeding. But I would say about 6 weeks +.

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Q: How soon do your breasts get tender from pregnancy?
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How long will it take for swollen or tender breast appear during pregnancy?

Swollen or tender breasts can appear as soon as the day your period is due or even earlier. Early pregnancy and pre-menstrual symptoms are very similar, so tender breasts may occur up to a week before your period is due. A pregnancy test will confirm one way or the other as soon as your period is late.

When swollen or tender breast happen during pregnancy?

Swollen and/or tender breasts are usually among the first signs of pregnancy.

How far on in pregnancy with tender breasts and butterfly feeling?

6 weeks

Tender breasts with no period and have IUD?

Better take a pregnancy test

What are some methods to detect pregnancy?

* home pregnancy test * schedule an appointment with your OB/GYN Symptoms * missed period * swollen/tender breasts * changes in color of the breasts * fatigue

How soon can you detect pregnancy. It has only been 4 days but i keep getting slight cramps and keep having to urine far more often then usual. Are there any signs i can look for?

Tender breasts, nausea you should do a urine home pregnancy test as soon as possible.

What does it mean to have tender breast on the sides an under for 3 plus days?

There could be several reasons why your breasts might feel tender on the side and underneath. Tender breasts can be part of premenstrual symptoms and can also be a sign of pregnancy.

What are some symptoms that show during an early pregnancy?

Your first signs of pregnancy most commonly include: * missed period * tender/swollen breasts * change in color of the breasts * fatigue

Could you be pregnant if you have tender breasts but no discharge?

You could be. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your next period

At what stage do breasts get tender in pregnancy?

Breasts can get tender anytime during pregnancy, sometimes acting as the first sign of pregnancy like in my case, or they may not get sore until 8 or 9 months or after delivery when your milk comes in. Everyone's different, my SIL's thought I was crazy when I told them how sore my breasts were at 6 weeks because they didn't get sore until 7 or 8 months.

What does breast tender mean?

Tender breasts (when a woman's breasts feel sore or cause pain when touched), could indicate a number of things, including that a woman's menstrual cycle is about to begin. It can also be an early sign of pregnancy.

If you have pregnancy symptoms but pregnancy tests say negative?

Pregnancy symptoms are not unique to pregnancy. Tender breasts or nipples can be a sign that your period will be starting here soon. Vomitting and/or nausea can be a sign that you have food poisoning. A late period can be from overly stressing your body and yourself, and it could also be from to much weightloss, or being overly active.