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Firstly, if you've experienced a still birth let me say I'm sorry for your loss.

After any pregnancy it can take up to a year for your body to regulate and for you to experience regular cycles again, but you should see a period again within 3 months. If you don't see your period or experience any unusual symptoms such as irregular bleeding then talk to your doctor.

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Q: How soon do start your period after still birth?
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Will you still start a period after going off hormonal birth control if you're already pregnant?

yes, but you need to tell your OB about it as soon as possible.

How old do you have to be to bye birth control?

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How soon can you start your birth control pills to get your period early?

Starting the birth control pill will not cause an earlier period. It will delay your period. Talk to your health care provider or pharmacist to clarify what you should do next.

How soon does a women period start after she stops taking birth control?

Usually it is anytime between 1 and 5 days, though it can be longer.

Are you pregnant if your period doenst come but you just started birth control?

When did you start taking birth control and when was your period supposed to come? I know that many doctors recommend that you take birth control pills for about a month before you have unprotected sex. If you're still unsure, I would recommend taking an at-home pregnancy test - some of them can detect pregnancy very early (like as soon as you miss your period, I think).

Ive been on your period for 8 days if you start your birth control again will it stop the flow?

No. Your period will stop as soon as the endometrial lining completely sheds. (Assuming that it is normal). However, if you take birth control your next "period" will probably be significantly lighter and shorter.

Can you start your birth control the day after your period starts?

YES. soon after u r period it is safe period till 10 day till relese of egg so poping up pill can be stopped

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As soon as you start your sugar pills on the new pack, or a little after you start taking the sugar pills.

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If you think im your be 1-2weeks pregnant but am still on birth control will it harm the baby?

As soon as pregnancy is confirmed, stop your birth control. Take a test 14 the day you had sex or the day of your expected period.

Should you have your period soon if you take two birth control toghetet?

Taking two birth contol pills will not cause a period. It may cause nausea.