By a really painful laser. Hurts more than the tattoo. And leaves a scar.
By Laser is one way to get tattoos removed. It's less painful and erases all of the tattoo. In a single visit available at Zapatat removing or lightening. Occasionally, tiny tattoos can be surgically removed performed by doctors.
69, dude.
No they are permanent but can be removed with laser surgery
October 2088 Which he is having removed since they are not married any longer
Mole Tattoos Teeth Tonsils Warts Hair appendix Gall bladder
Yes tattoos will stay when you die they are in fact part of your skin. If your family wanted it removed they could do that though Actually, tattoos will stay on your skin until your skin decomposes, or is cremated. The tattoo is actually on the dermis (middle layer) of skin. However if you do regret getting it, it can be removed with laser. However only black ink not colored... The only colour that cannot be removed via laser is white due to the metallic quality of the ink. Reds and greens etc have been successfully removed via lasers. Also I know not of any mortuary or funeral home that would remove tattoos from a deceased person, the process would take too long and cost too much
It would depend on what your consider 'force', and who is applying that force. You can be denied employment for tattoos, but that does not force you to remove them.
Getting a tattoo removed can be extremely painful ! When you get a tattoo removed it usually just leaves a scar of what the tattoo is, it's almost like getting a scarification tattoo, there is honestly no point in even getting a tattoo removed, you will still have it on your skin.
sounds like he is interested!