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You can get a positive result on a home pregnancy test as soon as 8 days past ovulation. However if you test that early you are more likely to get a negative even if you are pregnant. It is best to wait until the day you miss your period to have the best chance of getting a correct reading.

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Q: How soon after intercourse can one take a home pregnancy test?
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you are best to test for pregnancy after the first day of your period being late this will then give you a accurate reading.

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No, it will not stop pregnancy after intercourse!

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It is possible. You will need to take a home pregnancy test as soon as possible to confirm this.

Can you take a home pregnancy test the day after your period?

um it really doesnt matter when you take it as long as you tell the person you had sexual intercourse with that your having a baby and that you are for sure that your pregeant

How soon can you find out I am pregnant?

You can take an at home pregnancy test up to 4 days before your expected pregnancy. The longer you wait the more accurate result you get but you can as soon as 4 days before.

How long should you wait to take a pregnancy test if your cycle is usually 22-29 days and it has been over 30 days?

Read the directions on the pregnancy test kit. 10-12 days after unprotected intercourse would probably be soon enough.

How soon can you take a pregnancy test Today is May 27 2010 you should have came on your cycle on the 19th 20th or the 21st you had intercourse on the 22nd today is the 27th and still no cycle?

now ur probably pregnant

Is vomiting 2 weeks after intercourse a symptom of pregnancy?

it could be but you need to take a test to be sure

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The HPT will be accurate when its performed 3-4 weeks after intercourse.

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The average pregnancy from time of intercourse is 9 weeks.

How many hours does it take to confirm pregnancy?

You can take a pregnancy test 3 weeks after sex