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You can take a pregnancy test 2-3 weeks after you had unprotected intercourse and it will be accurate.

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Q: When can you take a pregnancy test while on the pill?
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When do you take a pregnancy test while on birth control?

You can use a pregnancy test at anytime while on the pill (it will not effect the test), if you normally have bleeding while taking the sugar pills, wait to see if the bleeding is late or the day before you start your new packet to test for pregnancy.

If youre on the pill and you do a pregnancy test will the results be accurate or will it just show your body as pregnant because the pill tricks it in this way?

Hello. A pregnancy test will be accurate while your on the pill.

How long after you take the moring after pill can you take a pregnancy test?

2 weeks after.

When the man sperms up a woman can you take the pill after?

Yes if you are on the pill and forgot it that morning you can take it after. If you are not on the pill you can get the morning after pill up to 3-5 days after. Take a pregnancy test 2 weeks after.

When to take pregnancy test after map?

Three weeks after you take the morning after pill and/or on the first day of your period

Can you get pregnancy symptoms while on the mini pill?

Yes you can get symptoms, Menstual and pregnancy symptoms are very similar so can be confused alot, such as cramps, headaches, sore breasts, feeling poorly. If you suspect you are pregnant than take a test but this is very unlikely if you have been taking your pill correctly (same time every day, not 3 hours later than the time you usually take it). The mini-pill will not affect a pregnancy test result.

When can you take a pregnancy test after taking next choice?

After taking the morning after pill you should visit a doctor and take a test 2 weeks after.

I stopped and started the pill and got a period but think I might be pregnant as i had a 12 day break from pill and had sex on the same day as i remembered to take the pill?

Take a pregnancy test then

How do you know if you are pregnant when you are on a pill where you only get your period four times a year?

take a pregnancy test

How soon can you take a pregnancy test if you are still taking the pill?

you can take one at any time you think you are pregnant.

Can you take a pregnancy test while your on depo provara?

Take a pregnancy test no sooner than 10 days after sex.

How do you know you are pregnant when you are on the pill and you have been taking them all the times you have to take them how can you get pregnant?

i think that if you get pregnant on the pill that you must not of taked them when you are soposed to or the pill didnt work if you think you are pregnant while you are on the pill you may of missed a time where you might of forgoten to take it or if not the pill may not haved work just go and get a pregnancy test to make sure.