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it's simple!! so........first you have to get a bit closer to him/her and make eye contact staring deep into their eyes next close you eyes your mouth a little and than take one of his/her lips in yours.....and then open your mouth a bit more and then with your tongue make circles around his tongue let her lead as it will come naturally hope this helped.....bye

and have fun ;)

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14y ago
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14y ago

ok so like peoople who are reading this payyy veryy closee attention!! ok so when you are about to kiss open ur mouth as big as possible and tell her to do thatt too ok. and then when u open ur mouth as wide as possible lickk ur lipss until they get all soked and then when u leen in lick her whole face and then reach fro her tongue with ur hand and start licking it ok guys and girls. It is goingt o be so good when u try this u have to ok but if no one wants to go out with u go to them and start doing it they will like u when u do that ok listen to the cracker masterrr!!

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14y ago

Well first you start kissing him normally then u open ur mouth a little and he will follow along

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14y ago

lick tongs ten times up and down is one then put your tong in thother ones mouth and their u have it

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Q: How should two girls kiss a french kiss?
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Can you show me a moving pic of French kissing?

If you go on youtube and put french kissing or if you don't know how to kiss put how to french kiss and that should help/ show you what it looks like when two people french kiss!! =-b

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It depends on you. If you think you two are ready for it, THEN GO!

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Just like boys kiss girls

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Ofcourse well only if your related

Is it true french girls are good with their tongues?

Like all things, it depends on the girl. There are many French girls who are both bad kissers and who cannot put two decent words together. There are also French girls who kiss very well and are quite eloquent. While there is a cachée to kissing a French girl, there is nothing remarkably different about the experience.

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He has kissed alot of girls...but no at one time

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Yes there is.

How do two girls kiss?

Two girls can kiss in the same way that any two people of any gender can kiss - by moving their lips together in a gentle and mutual way. Kissing is a personal expression of affection and can be done in many ways based on the comfort and consent of both individuals involved.

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i gues.. but be VERYYY careful!!

How come it's gay when two guys kiss but not when girls do it?

It's not that it's gay. Girls are a lot more comfortable with their sexuality then guys are. Two boys can kiss and not be gay just like girls can, but because guys can't do that without being insluted or having their sexuality questioned it is labeled gay. When girls kiss, it's labeled hott. Just all how society works.

Is it wrong to french kiss on your second date?

It really depends on how ready the two of you are