theres nothing different about two girls kissing than a guy and a girl or guy and guy kissing
Just like boys kiss girls
Ofcourse well only if your related
He has kissed alot of girls...but no at one time
The ISBN of Kiss the Girls is 0316693707.
when two girls that are well tanned with big chests start to kiss
Yes there is.
James Patterson wrote Kiss the Girls.
Boys generally kiss girls by applying their lips to a girls and having a puckering motion to imply a kiss.
It's not that it's gay. Girls are a lot more comfortable with their sexuality then guys are. Two boys can kiss and not be gay just like girls can, but because guys can't do that without being insluted or having their sexuality questioned it is labeled gay. When girls kiss, it's labeled hott. Just all how society works.
The Production Budget for Kiss the Girls was $27,000,000.
"Kiss the Girls" by James Patterson has approximately 464 pages in the paperback edition.
Kiss the Girls was created on 1995-01-11.