Vulcan I 1979-1981
Vulcan II 1981-1984
Vulcan III 1984-2000
You could contact Webley at the link below and see if they have more information.
See the link below
how old is webley scott 143609
Check the receiver.
which model I, II or III
The value of the Webley Mark 2 revolver with a serial number of 43383 varies with the condition of the pistol. This gun sells for about 450 dollars to about 1000 dollars depending on the condition.
Webley Mark 1 pistol (original. There are several variations) 1924-31. Webley Mark 1 New model 1935-64 Webley Mark 1 Rifle 1926-29
Could be a serial number, assembly number, or year
The original Webley Jr was made between 1929-1938. The New model was made between 1945-1973. The Webley Jr Mark1 was made between 1973-1976. you can contact Webley & Scott at the link below
It was made from the late 1940s to the late 1960s.
You will have to provide a detalied description. Webley made many different types of hand guns. Your chances of finding out who first bought it, are none and none. However, IF it was a military order and IF the serial number has been researched, and IF it has been published, you MIGHT find that out.
It was made from the late 1940s to the late 1960s.
Yes. Website: Double Barreled Shotguns, High Grade Shotguns Dates of Production