I don't really know how old she is.....
I'm not in the stajettes group but I saw that sumone said that she wasn't in the 2010 becuze a new girl joined there group.....I think they shuld of kept Kizzy....She is a really gud dancer....They cud of got rid of sumone esle....
yes all the stajettes are sisters
kizzy,nini,ayala,and mariah are the stajettes but, i dontknow the big girls names
Mariah is 12, Nini Is 11 Tamia is 11 and lulu aka ayala is 10 and so is kizzy
Nini is 9;Kizzy is 9;Mariah is 10;and Alyla is 7 my name is kizzy and i am nine if u want to see me come see me and my crew preform or pratice at brookln beack 69854
I don't now but if she not they should put her back in becouse she is a good dancer.i watch thier videos and also i wonder why kizzy is not in the stajettes anymore
Kizzy B is 12 years old her brithday is December 18 1999...
she is 11
i think she is 11
OK well, she is but not in 2010..idk why but like they added a new girl i dnt remember the name but kizzy is a better dancer the idiots who took ha out is retards:( like rlly atleast remove Ayala Caz she don't even look like she wanna dance! like i shudd be in the group
7 now in 2011 she 10 or 11
I think she iz coming back becuze it's a new year nd they can't keep sumone of of stajettes becuze sumone new joined.....i think they shud juz keep everybody becuze the people that signed up 4 it may not want 2 do it anymore becuze they cuded be in a whole year of dha group.....but i think they need 2 keep everybody cuze sum of dha people know how 2 dance really gud....I not in dha stajettes group but i want 2 be