I think she iz coming back becuze it's a new year nd they can't keep sumone of of stajettes becuze sumone new joined.....i think they shud juz keep everybody becuze the people that signed up 4 it may not want 2 do it anymore becuze they cuded be in a whole year of dha group.....but i think they need 2 keep everybody cuze sum of dha people know how 2 dance really gud....I not in dha stajettes group but i want 2 be
Is ferentus coming back?
When is Boardwalk Empire coming back on HBO
It got cancelled so it's not coming back, not unless another network takes it on.
No! carlito is not coming back because on the news they find out he was smoking marijuana nd drugs!!!!!
No there are no plans to bring him back
I don't now but if she not they should put her back in becouse she is a good dancer.i watch thier videos and also i wonder why kizzy is not in the stajettes anymore
No, he is not coming back.
No, its not coming back.
Is ferentus coming back?
He's not coming back
Yes he is coming back
No. He is not coming back in 2012
He is coming back this week
no he is not coming back
It coming back no worry it coming in april 2nd 2013 it coming back just wait.so whoever said lpso not is lieing
Kunta Kinte's daughter, Kizzy, was sold because the plantation owner wanted to punish Kunta Kinte for attempting to escape. It was a common practice during that time to use family separation as a means of control and punishment.
M&M in Pasadena Aunt Kizzy's Back Porch in Marina del Rey Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles (various locations)