There are over 100 different manufactures that make air rifles and you want to know the age of the model 35.............
Made by who?
You have a third model Winchester model of 1876.This rifle will range in price from 1,500 dollars for a rifle with 10%of its original finish to as high as 7,500 dollars for a rifle exhibiting 60% of its original finish.
From $100 - $1,500 depending on original condition.
What is the value of a Model 62 Winchester .22 rifle with serial 21072
The current value of a remington model 600 in .243 winchester caliber is between 160 dollars for a rifle with 60%of its original finish remaining up to 475 dollars for a rifle with 100% original finish remaining.
it is 56 Remington rifle model
The numbers .308 are the caliber of your rifle,not the model number.Please include the model number and serial number to get the age of your Winchester rifle.
With the serial number that you have provided;your Winchester model 1886 rifle was made in the year 1894.
A Winchester model 1890 pump action .22cal rifle will bring 250 dollars for a rifle with only 10% of its original finish remaining,up to 650 dollars for a rifle with 70% of its original finish may add 50% to the above listed values for a rifle chambered in .22 long rifle.
By the serial number on the rifle.
You have listed the model number of your rifle,not the serial number.
Your Original Marlin model 1894 rifle was made in the year 1898,with the serial number that you have provided.
With the serial number that you have provided,your Winchester model 1894 rifle was made in the year 1899.