She is 11. :)
Charles Shaughnessy is 62 years old (birthdate: February 9, 1955).
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Charles Mitchell is 24 years old.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Charles James is 24 years old.
Columnist and commentator Charles Krauthammer is 68 years old (birthdate: March 13, 1950).
Javier Alatorre was born in 1963.
Richard Alatorre was born in 1943.
Antonio Alatorre was born on 1922-07-25.
Antonio Alatorre died on 2010-10-21.
Hector Alatorre was born on 1981-10-31.
Antonio Alatorre has written: 'El Apogeo Del Castellano (Fondo 2000 Series)'
my family told me it meant people of the tower, and it was assigned to an orphan in spain, but you know, its what i heard. my names caleb alatorre, we might be related!
Sergio Tamayo Flores-Alatorre has written: 'Violencia y no-violencia en los movimientos sociales' -- subject(s): Civil disobedience, History, Nonviolence, Social movements, Violence, War
charles green from angry grandpa
He is now 15 years old, and has not been on Youtube since 2010.
The cast of La sunamita - 1965 includes: Antonio Alatorre Max Aub Victorio Blanco Milagros del Real Margit Frenk Alatorre Juan Manuel Soriano Diana Trillo Ignacio Villareal Luis Villoro