Columnist and commentator Charles Krauthammer is 68 years old (birthdate: March 13, 1950).
Charles Krauthammer is a paraplegic. He was paralyzed in a diving accident in his first year of medical school.
In his first year of medical school, Charles Krauthammer had a diving accident that left him a paraplegic. Eventually, he became a doctor and is board certified in psychiatry. Krauthammer is a contributing editor at the Weekly Standard as well as a political commentator.
After an accident in 1972. He was left paralyzed fom the waist down and partially paralyzed from the waist up
Charles Shaughnessy is 62 years old (birthdate: February 9, 1955).
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Charles Mitchell is 24 years old.
Charles Krauthammer was born on March 13, 1950.
Charles Krauthammer was born on March 13, 1950.
Yes, Charles Krauthammer had a wife and a son. His wife's name is Robyn and his son's name is Daniel.
Charles Krauthammer is a paraplegic. He was paralyzed in a diving accident in his first year of medical school.
No, Charles has to arms!
No, none of these are my question. I ask if Charles Krauthammer was drinking to dive in a waterless pool. Who would do that?
charles krauthammer
Charles Krauthammer suffered a spinal-cord injury in diving accident. The severity of the injury has left him paralyzed and forces him to stay in a wheelchair.
is ther a picture of his wife