No. If you're at least 18 years old, than yes.
Yes, The website Newgrounds is completely safe------------------------------------------------------------Not for a person under 18 years old._______________________________________sort of. the website definetly has bad things, but it has ok things aswell. but if the kid's being responsible, he'll/she'll stick to teen and everyone games. judge the user not the website!
You can join newgrounds via the link in Related Links.
PM Tom or Wade Fulp and ask for it to be deleted.
No, his Newgrounds account was inexplicably 'phished'.
Newgrounds account name:Alvin Earthworm Name:I don't know:(
Newgrounds is a flash-animation and user-created games website. Information about Newgrounds can be found directly on the site, or by reading guides such as the Newgrounds Wiki.
No. If you're at least 18 years old, than yes.
Tom Fulp created Newgrounds on July 6, 1995
It was possible with an old bug, but its patched. Anybody ready to play? I still login sometimes. :)
Tom Fulp.
he is the creator of newgrounds!