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Q: Is a newgrounds account free
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Related questions

How do you get a newgrounds account?

You can join newgrounds via the link in Related Links.

How old do you you have to have a newgrounds account?


How do you cancel your Newgrounds account?

PM Tom or Wade Fulp and ask for it to be deleted.

Did 'EgoRaptor' the flash video artist die?

No, his Newgrounds account was inexplicably 'phished'.

Who makes Super Mario Brothers z?

Newgrounds account name:Alvin Earthworm Name:I don't know:(

Where can one get information on newgrounds?

Newgrounds is a flash-animation and user-created games website. Information about Newgrounds can be found directly on the site, or by reading guides such as the Newgrounds Wiki.

Who is the creator of newgrounds?

Tom Fulp created Newgrounds on July 6, 1995

When file sharing is illegal in NZ will i still be able to download mp3 files from sites such as Newgrounds?

Yes, First of all, the MP3 files on Newgrounds are legal. They are all licensed under a Creative Commons license, which means they can be distributed for free. Secondly, not all file sharing is illegal. Files that can be legally redistributed, such as the music on Newgrounds or freeware programs, can be shared.

Where can one play Flash Sonic for free?

There are a plethora of websites that offer Flash Sonic to play for free online, for example puffgames, newgrounds, or allsonicgames. These require no subscription.

Is newgrounds free?

Yes it is and it is an awesome site to also chek out my art and if u like it scout me to get to my userpage go to

Who created newgrounds?

Tom Fulp.

Who is tom fulp?

he is the creator of newgrounds!