you have to be over 18 to buy shot guns and rifles you can be as young as ten to own them you have to be 21 to buy a hand gun
You need to get a lawyer.
NJ, that's a laugh. sorry to say that NJ will fight not to give u a firearm id. it took me 9 months. i have army background. and no record of any kind. good luck
You need to contact the NJ State Police for a current and correct answer\
In most U.S. states, you can possess a firearm, such as while hunting or target shooting as long as you possess the firearm with permission of the owner, but you can't buy one or own one.
You need to define"firearms license". There is no license needed to own or to carry a firearm in AZ.
One of them is still intact, and has its own website It's the old Canty casino at Silas Condict County Park in Kinnelon, NJ.
You need a lawyer who is familiar with NJ firearms law
You must be 16-18 to have your first car and your drivers license
It is your gun. A 17 year old can not legally own any firearm.
Firearm laws vary state to state, but here in Colorado, you must be 18 to purchase a firearm. To own...there really is no legal age requirement. My dad gave me my frst .22 for my 10th birthday.
It is my understanding, that any person ever convicted of a felony, cannot legally own a firearm in the United States. Updated: it depends on the type of crime, length of time since you completed your sentence (not got paroled) and the type of firearm you want. You must first get your record expunged, which they won't do violent or domestic crimes, and then you can posses most hunting weapons but still not handguns. In order to own a handgun you must receive a pardon from the governor of the state you were convicted in.