theres no age limit to smoking, but there is to purchasing, and in queens NY im assuming its 18
To legally smoke in Japan you have to be 20 and to drive you have to be 18 which is kind of stupid. Anyway glad I could help.
You need to be 18 to purchase tobacco.
18, same as all 50 states.
18, Like any other state. this is actually untrue you dont have to be any certain age to smoke cigarettes you must be 18 to legally purchase cigarettes however.
5 yrs, 4 months, 3 weeks, 2days, and 1 hour
It is illegal to smoke cigarettes until the age of 18. At 16 the body is still developing and it is extremely to inhale the toxins that are in cigarettes. Having somebody else buy the cigarettes for you is illegal as well. Added: To answer your actual question, many minors smoke illegally.
You have to be 18 to smoke anywhere in America
You have to be 18 years old
Not legally
Legally you must have 18's years old for being able to buy cigarettes.
As cigarettes have been linked with several cancers, heart disease and many other serious conditions ideally an 18 year old should smoke no cigarettes a week.
There is no legal age for the actual act of smoking, but you have to be 19 years old to legally purchase them.