it doesnt matter your age,but to go by yourself,you have to be at least 18. but if you are younger,then you have to have either a notarized form from a legal adult,or have a legal adult with you
Depends on your body, how old the piercing is, and what size the piercing is.
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you can get your naval (belly) piercing at 13-17 as long as you take an adult and the same applys with the tongue piercing but they may tell you to wait until you are 14
18 years old.
A belly piercing is a piercing on the belly button. Where your belly button might go in or out, it is the slight arch you get just above it. it is a piercing through that area. depending on how your belly button is formed. Search google for images.
not sure lol
Old enough to learn it's a "navel piercing" not a "belly button" piercing, we do not pierce belly buttons. The age is usually the age of majority, without parental consent, with parental consent it can be 16 years but this varies from state to state or province to province.
The pain of the belly button piercing should subside after a week.
Only with a parent or guardians consent.
The answer is; you don't. Your too young to spell your own age correctly so your hardly old enough to have a belly button piercing.
Piercing your belly bottom has nothing to do with having a child and it does not affect the process.
the hole stretches and sags. like your skin. elbows. knees.