For a Title I replica, which is semi-automatic, has a 16" barrel, and fires from the closed bolt, 18. For a true Tommy Gun, which is an NFA Title II Class III automatic weapon, you must be 21 and have the appropriate permits and paperwork filled out.
Buy it in the inventory section, but you need to be in New York! (Seeing as your too stupid to buy a Tommy gun, that's most likely where you are :')
Thompson arms, short Tommy gun
I'm guessing you mean a "Tommy" gun. Tommy gun was a nickname for the Thompson submachine gun.
The Tommy! or Tommy gun was a famous mobster gun. It was also referred to as a GAT! Gatling gun.
You have to be 18 to buy a long gun and 21 to buy a hand gun.
a Tommy gun
yes. the "Tommy gun" is just a nickname. yes
Tommy is short for Thompson, last name of the creator of the gun.
Tommy Gun - song - was created on 1978-11-24.
The another name for the Tommy gun is the Chicago typewriter or sometimes called the Thompson submachine-gun.
Tommy Morrison
a Tommy gun