Buy it in the inventory section, but you need to be in New York! (Seeing as your too stupid to buy a Tommy gun, that's most likely where you are :')
upkeep is how much your weapons use eg a chain gun has an upkeep of 2,500 because you have to keep on buying the bullets, a car needs gas etc
Falsified DocumentsFalsified Documents is required to complete certain jobs in Mafia Wars. You can loot the Falsified Documents in the Underboss tier by completing the job 'Take Over an Identity Theft Ring.
It is a new version of the original version of Mobsters. At the moment it is still is the position of Beta ---- Fun. Best RPG about gangsters. Definitely better than Mafia Wars. Try it.
The way you get napalm is to fight other mafias and win it as a loot item. You can get Napalm by doing the job..."Exterminate a rival family". It will take a little bit to get it though. It is a lotted item.
on valentines day, but its already past it so u cant get it anymore
I think there lying to you, there is up keep on both of those weapons for everyone. Actually, they may not be lying. I do not have any upkeep (for any items) in New York on Mafia Wars (MySpace). Maybe it is a feature/bug.
It is a gun in Mafia wars which hasRA-92 29 Attack 11 Defense
Cupids Tommy Gun was a special item that you could purchase around valentines day. The weapon has 24 attack and 22 defense. dont worry if you missed out on it, you can still loot a sub machine gun that has the same attack and defense capacity
It drops randomly on all jobs.
.45 caliber Thompson Sub Machine Guns = Tommy Gun
By eating your M16.
You get it on Valentines Day butt u cant get it no more because Valentines Day passed so Next year on Valentines Day try 2 get it..
"El Jefe" Job Tier Mastery
You can purchase it from the shop when you reach a high enough level.
the best defense weapon in mafia wars is the Dillinger's Wooden gun. however the Crocodillo APC has stronger defense and attack skill compared to Dillinger's wooden gun but it falls under the category vehicles.
Here are some weapons on Mafia Wars: Chain Gun, Tommy Gun, Hacksaw, Machine Pistol, Grenade, Sawed-off Shotgun, Colt Pistol, Crowbar, Baseball Bat, Gold 9MM Gun, Napalm, RPG Launcher, Propane Bomb, Meat Cleaver, and there many more but just too many too list