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Its usually when your in your last year of high school so your normally around 17 - 18, unless you are asked to go with someone who is older then you can go to any prom at any age as long as your a guest with someone in that year. :-)

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Q: How old are you when you go to the prom?
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It may depend on your school. But usual rules are that only senior and juniors go to prom. yet a way a freshman can go is if a senior or junior takes you to prom as their date.

I have a 19 year old daughter and she won't to go out on her prom with a 16 year old boy Can you tell me the do's and don'ts for our state of Oregon so I can tell her and keep her safe Thank you?

Do's: Prom's only happen a few times in a t

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If you are old enough to be going to prom then you are old enough to go if you want, or not go if you don't want to go. Many activities such as going to proms, having parents and relatives attend graduation ceremonies, weddings, attending funerals are actually optional. This does not mean that you won't be subject to coercion by others to attend or participate.

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If you are talkin about twilight... Jessica goes to prom with Mike.