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yes, but you should give him condoms before the prom

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Q: Should you let your boyfriend go to another prom with an old friend?
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What should you do if you kissed your best friend at prom and you like them?

Ask them to be your boyfriend/girlfriend (i dunno which gender you are so...)

What if your boyfriend went with another girl to prom?

i would be pissed.

Is it bad to go to prom with your friend when you have a boyfriend but he isn't old enough to take you to the prom?

heres what you so..... just go with both and do them both! hahahahahahahha jkjk

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If your friend is your friend they should let you go to the prom with the one you love. Being a good friend means always being there when your needed and being ok when your not needed.

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Question yourself whether you should still want to go to the prom with this girl.

Should you ask friend to prom on Valentine's Day?

Just ask them when you want to.

How do I ask my boyfriend to ditch his prom and come to mine he's in 12b so he had one last year and this would be my first formal dance what should I say to him?

Ask him if he would mind missing his prom. Hear his response and reaction,if he is reluctant to the idea don't ask him to your prom. Ask if he wouldn't be jelous if you went with another guy,if yes then he should come as your date.

Should you ask your good friend who you went to Homecoming and had a good time with but when you asked her out on Valentine's day said she doesn't want to date in high school to prom?

I don't see a problem with it. I've had an off and on boyfriend that I heard wants to ask me to prom but he knows I don't want a relationship anymore. But I would go with him as a date. So I think you should go for it :)

Should my friend chris ask molly to prom?

If he thinks she'd say yes, then go for it!

Should you go to prom with a girl knowing she wants to go with your best friend?

no, if you want to take the chance of getting hurt go ahead. chances are she will end up getting with your friend during the prom. its a bad idea.

Why doesn't my girlfriend want to go to the prom with me we have been going out for about one month?

maybe she likes another guy? idk that is really stupid if she doesnt want to go to prom with her own boyfriend, ask her whats up

Who ends up taking Bella to prom in the hit series twilight?

Edward he vampire boyfriend BTW Jacob should be with Bella