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however much it is for a new retainer

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Q: How much would it cost to fix a burnt retainer?
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How much it cost retainer in the Philippines?


How much it will cost is retainer for teeth?

hi i would say around 250-300 pounds regard izzy xx

How much does a retainer cost?

near $250 to $300 but it may be different depending on your doctor

How much are private investigators in Illinois?

In South Carolina the average cost per hour for a Private Investigator is 85 per hour. Usually a retainer is taken and the hours worked are billed to that retainer. The average case retainer starts for a 40 hour case. I would call around to different companies in your area and just ask.

How much do Investigative Services cost per hour?

It looks like the most common structure is to require a retainer when services are requested, then charge an hourly rate against that retainer based on the service provided, so the rate is variable.

How much is an essix retainer?

ewfdeaswfaeswfdaeswfd I returned just an hour ago from our Ortho's office to have an impression made of just my daughters LOwer teeth. She lost 1/2 of her essix retainer. It cost 200.00 just for the bottom half.

How much does an invisalign replacement tray generally cost?

it depends. Usually is it is the final tray/retainer I heard 300. For a regular tray $65

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according to my mathematical equations Fishbourne Palace - a luxury roman Villa is priced at 20 pounds as it is burnt down have fun living in your ashes ;)

Can an attorney charge two retainer fees?

Generally, unless the fees are excessive, attorneys are free to charge as much or as little as they want, and do so with whatever fee schedule they want. If the client does not like the billing method, they can hire a different attorney. It is common for attorneys to charge a set retainer that they bill against. Once that retainer has been used, they would then ask that the retainer be replenished.

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It would cost 300,568

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how much would it cost to go to Kenya from charleston

How much does 1hour of flying time in an f-16 cost?

Its difficult to say this because the cost of the flying depends on the fuel conserved. Therefore, the fuel burnt will be equal tot he cost of F-16 flying time.