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Doesn't really matter, as that is a ridiculously low amount. It's not sustainable and can be outright harmful to your health.

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Q: How much weight will you lose on 400 calories a day?
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If you burn 400 calories everyday how much weight will you lose in 1 month?

about 3.2 pounds. results may vary depending on the amount of calories you take in.

If you only have 400 calories per day will you lose weight?

Yes. You would also become ill quickly.

How many calories per day should a woman of 24 weighing 145 pounds and with a length of 5.6 feet consume per day in order to maintain her weight and how much to lose weight?

Hi, as long as you work of double as what you ate then you lose if you eat 200 calories but work of 400 you lost all the weight of what you ate.

Will you lose weight while on your period?

it depends, if you dont increase your consumtion of food, then you will burn an extra 400 calories a day (about), but that is also why we have an increase in hunger.

How do you lose weight safely and fast?

a safe weight loss range is about 1-2 pounds per week. This can be done by caloric restriction of about 400-600 calories per day.

How many miles do you have to run to lose 400 calories?

4 miles.

How much calories are in cheese burgers?

400 calories. a bunch!!

How much weight do you lose in you maintain a 400 calorie diet?

It is very unhealthy to maintain a 400 cal a day diet your organs will start shutting down

How many calories should eat in one meal to lose weight?

400 calories in a meal. 3 meals a day plus maximum 300 calories worth of snacks. so that's a total of 1500 calories. any less would leave u feeling too hungry to keep up your diet. stick to this number and you will definitely lose weight. try and include cardio and weight training for half hr 3 days a week atleast. good luck!

Can you lose weight when cutting the yard?

Spending two to three hours mowing, excavating, and planting will help you lose up to one pound every week. Weeding can burn up to 150 calories in just a half-hour, and more strenuous activities like pruning hedges can burn over 400 calories in an hour.

If you only eat 400 calories a day how much weight will you lose?

You will lose A TON of weight the first few months.. but honestly, if you are contemplating whether or not you should eat 400 calories a day, I am giving you cold hard advice to NOT do it. I am a recovering anorexic who would eat around 500 calories daily, and at month number 3, I realized I had a problem when my period didn't come, I felt tired ALL the time, I began falling into depression, and all I could think about was food and my appearance. Every living thing NEEDS food as it is fuel for the body, and most doctors recommend to not eat under 1200 calories because per day, a person usually burns as little as 1200 calories just by living. 400 calories is less than 1/3rd of what you should eat daily and if your body isn't getting the fuel or nutrients it needs, it will go into starvation mode, and once you're ready to eat as much as you did before weight loss, you will most likely end up gaining more weight than initially. Anywho, as for your question.. You'd probably lose around 2-3 pounds per week.. but like I said.. I strongly suggest you not go down that dangerous path.

How much weight will you loose if Use 400 less calories per day?

Each gram of fat provides 9 Calories. That means 400 Calories is equivalent to 44.4 grams. 44.4 grams is approximately 0.1 pounds. If you can keep that diet up for 10 days, you'll loose 1 pound of fat.