WHY would tea make you lose weight
If you didn't drink soda you'd lose fat, FATTY
How much weight you can lose by not drinking soda depends on how much you drink per day. If you drink two large sodas a day and give them up, you can lose 62 pounds in just one year. If you drink more, you will lose even more.
About 12 pounds immediately after parturition.
Perhaps a pound per month or more, as discussed on this linked page. But it would depend on how much you drink, and many other factors. See also:Losing weight
It depends on how much self-discipline you have. If you exercise and don't replace the alcohol with food, you can lose as much as you want to.
Immediately after birth, it is the weight of the baby plus about 5 or 6 lbs, to account for the blood loss and placenta delivery. More weight will be lost as you lose more blood from delivery and if you breast feed you will lose weight faster.
What you do in the pool is less important than what you do at the dinner table. Exercise can help, and it doesn't matter much what it is as long as it gets your heart going faster than usual. Try to keep it up for 30-60 minutes. But it's really hard to lose any weight if you are overeating. Start by cutting down hard on everything that's sugary and fatty. Giving up sodas and anything deep fried is a good start.
At 9 you are too young to diet, but you need to cut out all of the junk food, cookies, sodas, and fast food as well go out and play. Drink water instead of the soft drinks they add so much sugar to the diet. If you eat well and get exercise you will lose weight.
there is no need to; 56 kgs isn't much. important thing at this age is to maintain this weight and not gain. - drink water - cut out sodas, sugar, junk foods. - eat lots of veggies walk 30 mins a day.
yuo lose a pound
The best way to try to prevent hanging skin when losing weight is to lose it very slowly. Most people lose too much weight too fast, and their skin doesn't have time to get used to their new weight, giving them loose skin. You should try to lose about 2 or 3 pounds per week, maximum.
Other than by surgical intervention, you cannot lose much weight in 30 minutes.
Pretty much any form of dance will help you lose weight.